4 reasons why communication skills in leadership are vital
Being able to communicate well with a team is an essential skill for any leader, whether this is written, spoken or presented. But why are communication skills in leadership so important? Here, we explore four reasons why communication skills matter, and explain how shooksvensen can help.
1. Relationship building
In business, you usually need to speak with a wide range of stakeholders and communicate a variety of different messages. Both within your team and outside of it, rapport building is important for successful leadership. Understanding how to appeal to many audiences can also help with team building and working together cohesively.
One aspect of communication is knowing how to instruct others and impart information, but it’s even more vital to know how to listen to your team and everyone else you interact with in the workplace. Being aware of different communication styles and asking the right questions can make a crucial difference in how the team works together.
2. Creating clarity
Miscommunication in the workplace can be disastrous and can lead to delays and complications. Building your own communication skills can help you to fully grasp how you can communicate expectations in a clear way and provide your team with instructions that they can follow. You will also be able to provide more useful feedback.
Active listening can help you understand how your own communication has been received by others. Confusion on their part, for example, is feedback to you that you could be clearer in how you communicate to your team. Better understanding of your own communication and listening skills also foster open communication across your team and, with agreed upon expectations, will also help you to provide more useful feedback.
3. Encouraging others to communicate
When you start working on your own communication skills, a powerful benefit is that it will also influence other people’s communications styles. Good communication means that you will provide an example to your team. This will affect their understanding of excellent communication, and encourage them to improve their own listening skills, reducing any misunderstandings. For example, by keeping an open-door policy, you are letting you team know that they can always come to you for help.
4. For delegation
Communication skills in leadership and management can also benefit you when it comes to how you delegate work. Really listening to your team members is important for knowing what their strengths and weaknesses are, as well as what they hope to achieve. You will be better able to provide the best training and support, and the feedback they need to achieve their goals and the goals that you set. In order to delegate work effectively, and support growth, you need to know who is best for which tasks, and clear communication makes this much easier.
If you would like to improve your own communication skills and those of your team, then get in touch. shooksvensen can help you to communicate more effectively so that your entire team can develop a great working culture together.

Image source: Unsplash
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